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Summer Camp 2022 – Camp Alexander

This summer we will be traveling to Camp Alexander in Lake George, CO. Here are the important details:


Friday, June 24th – We will meet at Horak’s (2509 Miller Ln., Pantego) at 7:30 AM.  Everyone will need to bring a sack lunch and full water bottle. We will load quickly and be on the road ASAP.  Everyone will also need $20 for Friday dinner and Saturday lunch on this leg of the trip. Everyone needs to be in Class A uniform with neckerchief and slide. All campers need to have a bag packed, separate from their trunk, with their swim suit, towel, and clothes for Saturday and Sunday. WE WILL NOT GO INTO THE TRUNKS ONCE THEY ARE PACKED UNTIL WE ARRIVE AT CAMP ON SUNDAY. Medicines should be in their original containers, in a Ziploc bag with the scout’s name, and instructions for distributing the medications should be included in the bag. Also separate from their camp trunk should be sleeping bags and needs for our trip up and back. As of this morning, there is a slight chance of rain on our trip, so a tent should be planned for, but we hope to sleep under the stars for this part of the trip.


We will be white water rafting on Saturday. Scouts will need their swim suits on and towels handy for the trip from New Mexico to Colorado. The troop will provide a quick breakfast. This will be something along the lines of muffins, granola bars, and fruit. If any camper needs more than this, they should be sure to bring it with them. Do not plan on there being room in a cooler for individual needs. We will camp out at the Air Force Academy after the rafting trip. They have a special camp grounds for Scout use on the grounds of the Academy. Time permitting, we will be going to the visitor’s center. There is a gift shop there. If we end up there, scouts will be allowed to purchase things from this gift shop if they bring money for this purpose. 

Sunday – Saturday

We will be at Camp Alexander. Tents have been assigned by the Senior Patrol Leader. The scouts that were present at the troop meeting on Monday, June 13th provided their requests and most were able to be accommodated. If you, or your scouts, have concerns about who they will be sharing a tent with, please contact Mr. Stein ASAP. The tents will be used at 3 scouts per tent. The tents are bigger than a typical scout tent, but it will still be a little tight.  We will reinforce that scouts are friendly, courteous, kind, and clean.  Adults will need to plan on using their own tents. We might have a couple of scout tents available, but we will not have enough for all of the adults. Please don’t rely on a canvas scout tent being available, you might end up sleeping outside. Scouts should bring money for the trading post. If you would like for an adult to keep up with this money, please put it in an envelope with your scout’s name and instructions on the outside of the envelope.  Scouts are welcome to use their phones and electronics during the travel to and from camp.  However, these will be taken up and locked inside cars for the duration of camp.  No electronics are allowed for boys at camp.  Adults will be there to take pictures.  If a scout has something in particular that they want a picture of, they should notify an adult and we will do our best to arrange to be there to watch and record their activities.

Return Trip

We will eat breakfast at camp before we leave. Campers will need $20 for the return trip. We will be eating fast food for lunch both Saturday and Sunday. They need to plan accordingly. If you would like for an adult to hang on to money for the return trip (or any other reason), please put it in an envelope with your scout’s name and when it should be distributed (at camp, return trip, etc.) on the outside of the envelope.

General Items

Especially for scouts who have not traveled without a parent – If you write a letter or send a package, please don’t mention that you miss your camper. Tell them instead that you can’t wait to hear about their adventures they are having and how much fun it all must be. Except in the most extreme cases or issues, we will not let a scout use a phone to call home. From experience, I can tell you that this usually creates more home sickness, not less.  Even scoutmasters get homesick and are ready to return by the end of camp. We all support each other and make sure that we work as a family to get each other through the hard times. Please know that “no news is good news”. We won’t always have internet access to send messages or update our Facebook page with pictures. If you don’t hear anything, it’s because everything is going great and we will catch up with you later.

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