Sep 01 – Sea Base Payment #1 Due
Sep 02 – 6am Rotary Flages Out
Sep 05 – 6pm Rotary Flags Pickup
Sep 10 – Popcorn Show & Sell
Sep 10 – Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Sep 10 – Sea Base Parent Meeting
Sep 11 – 6am Rotary Flags Out
Sep 11 – 6pm Rotary Flags Pickup
Sep 11 – Troop Meeting
Sep 15-17 – Canoe Races Campout
We are headed to the lake for our campout this weekend! Our destination will be Mr. Hickman’s lake house in Gun Barrel City on Cedar Creek Lake (in East Texas). He has a great grassy area between his house and the lake where we’ll pitch tents and camp like we normally do. In addition to your typical camping gear (tents, sleeping bags, change of clothes, flashlight, etc.) you will want to be sure you DO NOT FORGET the following items:
$10 cash (per Scout) – to be collected at arrival on Friday (by Mr. Acker) for gas for the watercraft.
Cash for your Grubmaster. If you do not know how much, please contact him and ask him how much to bring. If you do not know who your GM is, contact your Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader.
Swimsuit, Towel, Sunscreen, & Bug Spray – we’ll be at the lake; you’ll want to have a swimsuit and of course, be dry after. There will be sunshine and mosquito’s!
Water bottle – we will drink lots of water, as it gets HOT and we DO NOT want anyone getting dehydrated!
Water shoes (optional) – for those who might want to swim in the lake or wear while out on the boats.
Hat – (recommended), especially one with a brim and chin strap while out on the water, but not one that you might loose if it blows off in the wind.
Sunglasses (recommended), the cheap kind with a strap to keep them around your neck, unless you are in the water…
Fishing gear (optional) – there will be an opportunity to fish from the shore. You will need to bring all of your own supplies for this.
If you have your own life jacket and want to bring it, you may, (write your name in it), but there will be plenty available where we are going.
We’ll have alot of fun and see you at Mr. Horak’s office on Friday at 6:30.
We’ll return by 12:00 on Sunday and will send a “Remind Text” when we are on the way home!
Please contact your Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, or Mr. Acker, with questions.
See you Friday!
Statements for the 2017 Summer Camp final payment were distributed at the August 10 and August 17 troop meeting. Payment is due by August 24. If you have not received your statement or made your final payment, please see Scott Shipferling at the August 24 meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Scott. Thank you for your help in closing the book on a very successful and enjoyable summer camp.
Please sign up for a shift to either distribute flags or collect flags. This is a fundraiser and service to our community. Each crew should consist of 1 driver with truck, 1 adult passenger, 2 scouts. Each shift should have a MINIMUM of 2 crews.
If you have further questions, please contact Mr. Acker.
Longhorn Council BSA is having a float in the 2017 Arlington 4th of July Parade. The float will have 29 American flags on it from the 1777 13-star flag to the 1960 50-star flag and all of those in between. It will also have a Texas flag. Following the float will be Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts walking the parade route. It would be nice if the scouts could carry their Unit flag or banner but it’s not necessary. Scouts should be in Class-A uniform and can wear jeans or shorts. Hats and sunscreen is a good idea. Cub Scouts riding bicycles must have helmets. BRING A WATER BOTTLE. WATER GUNS AND SUPER SOAKERS ARE NOT ALLOWED. WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HANDOUT ANYTHING ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE.
The parade starts at 9am and takes about 2 hours. Last year it started late because of a rain storm. Every year is different. The scouts need to be there by at least 8:30 am. (see drop off area below). Our entry number is #76 row 3. The parade participants line up by entry number. The Parade theme this year is “A TEXAS FOURTH OF JULY” so cowboy hats etc. are welcome. I WILL HAVE A LARGE ICE CHEST WITH WATER ON THE FLOAT, AN ADULT WILL HAND OUT WATER TO THOSE THAT WANT IT.
-Bob Horak
Drop Off Location
We have created a drop-off area on the south side of our staging area. There will be no dropping off on Cooper Street — the Arlington Police Department will strictly enforce this.
South Drop-off Area: From Park Row Dr., go north on Cooper St., turn right on Doug Russell Rd. Police and event staff will direct you to the drop-off area. As you drop off please help us keep traffic moving by using the designated drop off lanes. You may exit on the south end of the drop-off area where parking is available. See drop off map below for more information.
We encourage the use of the UTA bus shuttles.
Buses begin running between UTA Maverick Stadium and the south parade drop off area.
6:30 am
Bus arrives at City Hall to pick up judges for transport to south drop off area
7:00 am
Both buses in service between UTA Maverick Stadium and south drop off area
7:25 am
Police begin to secure streets around the parade route and Parade Lineup Area
7:30 am
Flag distribution begins
8:00 am
Bus arrives at north entrance to City Hall to pick up dignitaries for transport to Parade Lineup Area
8:20 am
Judges at Parade Lineup Area board buses for return to City Hall
8:30 am
Bus arrives back at Parade Lineup Area to pick up dignitaries who need a ride back to City Hall
9:10 am
Bus leaves Parade Lineup Area with dignitaries back to City Hall
9:20 am
Buses begin shuttle for parade participants back to UTA Maverick Stadium
9:45 am
Last parade entry projected to leave Parade Lineup Area
10:45 am
Last parade entry projected to return to Parade Lineup Area
11:45 am
Shuttle service to UTA Maverick stadium ends
1:00 pm